Care home survey
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David Heath MP and David Laws MP have long been concerned about the level of care home closures in recent years.
Care home managers have been frustrated by rising costs, increasing bureaucracy, staff shortages and, most importantly, a low level of fees paid by the local social services authority. This, in turn, is primarily due to the Government failing to supply local councils with the funding necessary for them to be able to reimburse care homes properly.
However, this situation is being brought to a head this year with the introduction of the Care Standards Act. This Act will raise the standards needed to run a care home but without providing care homes with the resources to improve their facilities and provide the quality of service which everyone wants. Instead, the Government seems to be relying on a combination of the goodwill of care home owners and the hope that the owners will pass on the costs to those who fund themselves.
David Heath and David Laws therefore decided to find out just how severe the problems are which care homes are facing. Also, this is one of the few attempts to quantify the effect of the National Minimum standards. This is crucial, as knowing the costs of the new legislation will be the foundation to argue for a fairer and more generous funding system which recognises that care home managers deserve more. |
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